Hurricane Happiness

a song…
My world was black & white
Until I saw your face,
A picture I was quite happy with back then.
Then the colors began to pour in
And the world became so bright
To this day,
I discover
New colors
From you.
I always heard music and songs
Floating through the air
I always felt it coursing through my veins.
But when I heard your voice,
The music suddenly changed.
It gripped me
Made me care,
Now I dance
Uncontrollably.I used to walk in darkness
Then the light discovered me
And I knew I would never be in darkness again.
Yet, walking in the light
Seems a distant memory
Because the moment
I saw you smile
I flew
Into the sun.

Creating colors
Creating colors
Creating new life.
Creating music
Creating music
Creating new joys.
Creating light
Creating light
Creating new dreams.

And now I dream
Of spending my life with you.
I can’t stop naming
All the things we could do.
I won’t stop falling
Completely in love with you.
And I’m sorry,
But that’s just who I am.

Sometimes the colors can overwhelm,
And drive me to confusion.
And in weakness, I let the confusion drive me.
Maybe I forgot to keep breathing
Maybe I was breathing too fast
All I know
Is that I
Tumbled down
So dizzy.

After dancing for so long
My strength began to wear
But the sweet bliss of the song drove me on.
I should have seen it coming
This running out of the strength
To keep
Loving you
Like I should
So pure.

When you stare into the sun
Your eyes can burn and darken
Well, I flew into the sun and burned out.
Like a fool I kept on flying,
And dragged you in with me.
Then we
Both burned
Lost our grip
So fast.

Creating spinning
Creating spinning
Creating distraction.
Creating motion
Creating motion
Creating enervation.
Creating fire
Creating fire
Creating immolation.

Yet still I dream
Of spending my life with you.
I can’t stop thinking
Of all the things we should do.
I won’t stop falling
Completely in love with you.
And I’m sorry,
But that’s just who I am.